Archived: Tribomechadynamics 2021

Tribomechadynamics was hosted virtually in 2021 due to the pandemic. The Tribomechadynamics Conference is organized into four tracks:

  • Tribology
  • Contact Mechanics
  • Structural/Nonlinear Dynamics
  • Multidisciplinary Research

The fourth track, multidisciplinary research, is intended to highlight research projects that span Tribology, Contact Mechanics, and Dynamics (i.e. research that can be categorized as Tribomechadynamics). While the major thrust of the conference comes from the study of interfaces and jointed structures, all researchers in these fields are welcome to and encouraged to submit an abstract and to attend.

Special Sessions/Activities

There were several special activities at the 2021 conference:

  • Keynote presentations. These were live, invitation only, full length presentations.
  • Discussion sessions. These were live sessions with a moderated discussion on a topic germane to Tribomechadynamics. These sessions were led by an invited speaker who will provide a view point article in advance for the audience to read. Discussion of opposing views will be moderated to promote a healthy, interactive experience. More information will be provided soon.
  • Technical sessions. The majority of presentations this year will occur as 15 minute presentations with time for Q&A afterwards.
  • Student paper award presentations occured during a live session to highlight the award winning papers.
  • A young engineer networking event.

Conference Venue

The Tribomechadynamics 2021 Conference will be a virtual event. Registered attendees will be provided links and access codes for the various conference activities.


Extended abstracts will be made available to participants of the conference. In addition, we are working to have the top presentations and winners of the student paper competition published in a special issue of the ASME Journal of Computation and Nonlinear Dynamics.

Student Paper Competition

All papers with a student as the first author are eligible for the student paper competition. The winning entries (as judged by a panel of reviewers in advance of the conference) will be asked to give the student keynote as their presentation during the conference. More information will be made available soon.